Saturday, January 21, 2012

An Ode to Mommies Everywhere

Earlier this past week, I was able to meet up with an old co-worker downtown for drinks. She had come in from Virginia for a work conference in San Diego and I was ecstatic when I heard the news! It's nearly been five months since seeing her and I'm always excited to see a friendly face! (She is also the reason I got my last promotion when she continually pushed for me and sang my praises throughout the office. SO, yes, she's a favorite of mine for sure!)

As one would expect, we got straight to catching up. We talked about our families, shared a little bit of gossip (Hey, I'm only human) and she filled me in on how the office was these days. Among our catching up she asked me something that seems simple, a legitimate question, but I couldn't give her an answer. 

"So what do you do now?"

Welp. That's a good question. What the hell do I do all day. There's still a few hours a day being spent on telework, but other than that.... (???) So I thought and thought, and without trying to bore the conversation into my daily play by play, I simply told her we got a dog and quickly changed the subject. Pretty easy to do, considering... I mean, just look at this face. 

But back to the issue: What do I do all day? Without a steady full-time job it would seem like I have TONS of free time to lounge and relax. (Clarification: I rarely do either of those things. The latter being obvious to anyone that knows me. Not stressing is not one of my strong points) 

But I digress... I don't feel overly relaxed or bored with my days like an unemployed-stay-at-home-wife might seem. Quite the opposite, actually. Between teleworking, applying for roughly 450,687 jobs, and taking Roland out to play every two hours, there's always something else I need to do, something else I need to clean, or organize, or file, or pick up... I can keep going. 

My point is not to be a dramatic whine or to suggest that I don't love every second of my life. I'm so blessed and so grateful for all of it, and it's possible that I'm stressed because I am a stressed out freak. My point that I am trying to make is that if I'm constantly going and I'm technically, unemployed, and without children... what does that say about the mothers out there?

To be blunt: How the hell did our mothers do it? And for those of you just catching on, by "it" I'm referring to "everything", obviously. I've always known that my mother is wonderful, I just never understood fully or could relate to it all. 

My Momma with me and my sister

So get off your tush, and if you're near the woman that brought you into this world, give her a hug and tell her you love her. Hopefully, I'll be able to do this myself soon!

Until next time...

For Gossip and Mommies,


  1. Oh man, I honestly don't know how our mothers did it. After realizing how hard it is to meal plan and cook nutritious meals for two, I had to call my mom and thank her for all the years of home cooked meals. She never complained and always had a "family meal" ready for us at dinner time. Not to mention the countless lunches she packed for us growing up. I'm starting to realize how much work it is! (And I don't even have kids yet.)

    I'm glad you're embracing your time while you have it. A puppy helps!

    1. Seriously!!! It's already exhausting and the real work hasn't even begun for us! I think you're right though -- A puppy is probably helpful for the time being. Prepping us a bit for whats to come! ....wayyyy down the road though lol :)
